Getting Back To Basics

Simple. That’s the way I like things. Not necessarily easy, but simple. In my 28 (going on 29 quickly) years I have learned many things and continue to every day. I’ve tried hard to live a life as best as I could and as “right” as I could, or at least what seemed right at the time. One thing I do know for certain is many problems in life can be figured out when you get back to basics and simplify your life.

What are you talking about, Kegan? I’m talking about any problem or predicament you might be facing right now. Break it down, what is causing the problems? Why are you stressed? What occupies your mind? What controls your heart? What does your wallet keep opening for?

Does it feel like your life is spinning out of control in a downward spiral? Are you running faster and faster to keep up and only finding yourself buried further in a hole? If you’re like I was, then the answer was a big YES. I had to figure out a way out that was best for my family and most importantly for my relationship with God.

Right now, like most of you reading this, my wife and I are dealing with schedules, a new born, another young child, my two jobs, some health issues and the list goes on. So, in order to lower the stress levels in my home, and gain some “control” back in my life I decided to eliminate all the things that unnecessarily occupied my time, my mind, and my wallet.

I had relationships that needed to be restored with my family, my church and most importantly with God. With everything on my plate, there simply wasn’t enough time in the day for any of that. Ridiculous. It’s ridiculous that so many live like this. Little Billy doesn’t need to play on 3 different soccer teams, he’ll still grow up just fine. I lived like that for too long and said, ok, enough.

The time that used to be wasted on things that quite honestly don’t matter, has been replaced with more time with and for my kids and wife, more time for myself and most importantly more time for God and the work He has actually called me to do.

I’ve even started to analyze my guitar playing. I broke out and dusted off my theory books and just started reviewing the basics again. Amazing what you forget and how it has improved my playing. In short, I am simplifying my life and getting back to basics.

To sum up, whatever your situation might be, I encourage you to analyze your life and simplify it. It’s amazing how God blesses and to see His awesome work when you let Him. We have to learn to get out of our own way, and get back to basics.

Published: June 27, 2012 12:29 pm Categorized in:

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